Thursday, 24 October 2013

It's always nice to have a fool-proof recipe for something sweet over a weekend. This recipe has stood me in good stead over the years, is easy to make and delicious

Banana Loaf
Preheat the oven to 180° C

Mash 2 ripe bananas and mix with 60ml coconut and keep aside

Wisk together until light and fluffy
125 ml Butter
150 ml Castor Sugar

Wisk in:
2 large eggs

Sift into the mixture:
200 ml Self-raising flour
2ml salt
50ml Custard Powder
Mix together well and add banana and coconut

Bake in a greased loaftin for 45 minutes

Optional Extra:

Cream-cheese icing:

110 ml Margarine
250 ml Icing Sugar
100 ml Cream Cheese
2 ml Lemon Juice
Rind of one lemon
2 T of chopped Walnuts

Voorverhit die oond tot 180° C

Maak fyn 2 ryp piesangs, meng met 60 ml klapper en hou eenkant

Klop saam tot lig:

125 ml Botter
150 ml Strooisuiker

Klits by:
2 groot eiers

Sif in die mengsel:
200 ml Bruismeel
2ml sout
50 ml vlapoeier
Meng goed en voeg piesang en klapper by.

Bak in gesmeerde broodpannetjie vir 45 min by 180° 

Roomkaas Versiersel (opsioneel)

100g (110ml) Margarien
250ml Versiersuiker
100ml Roomkaas
2ml Suurlemoensap.
Fyngerasperde skil van ‘n suurlemoen
2 E fyngekapte Okkerneute

Thursday, 17 October 2013

Tagliatelle with Chorizo and Star Anise 

This is a quick nutritious meal that you can make in a jiffy if you get home from work.


200g - 350g Tagliatelle
200g Chorizo sausages (2 - 3 sausages) cut in rings
1 Large onion diced
50 ml olive oil
3 star anise finely ground or 1 teaspoon anise seeds
250ml fresh cream
1 egg
100 ml Mozzarella cheese grated
Salt and pepper to taste


Wisk the egg and cream and keep aside. Add salt to taste

Pasta: Place a big saucepan on the stove and add 1,5 litres of water. Add 2 teaspoons of salt and 2 Tablespoons of olive oil and bring to the boil. 
As soon as the water boils, place 200g - 350g of Tagliatelle in the water and stir continuously. Cook until el dente - soft but still firm.
Drain and keep aside. Use the same saucepan to cook the rest of the ingredients.

Place the olive oil and onion in the pot and fry until the onion is soft, not brown. Add the Chorizo sausage rings, the salt and star-anise and fry for another 2 - 3 minutes while stirring. 
Remove from the heat and stir in the cream and egg mixture. 
Rinse the Tagliatelle though with boiling water to separate and heat. Drain
Add the Tagliatelle to the rest of the ingredients in the saucepan and mix gently.
Heat through and dish up immediately
Finish off with grated Mozzarella cheese and freshly ground black pepper
Serve with Portuguese rolls and a green salad

Tagliatelle met Chorizo en Ster Anys

Hierdie is ‘n vinnige en voedsame gereg, ideaal om te maak as jy saans by die huis kom en gou ‘n ete aanmekaar moet slaan


200g -350g Tagliatelle
200 g Chorizo Sausages (2 - 3 chorizo sausages) in ringe gesny
1 Groot ui gesnipper
50 ml olyfolie
3 ster anys (fyngemaal) of 1t fyn anyssaad
250 ml vars room
1 eier 
100 ml Mozzarella kaas (gerasper)
Sout en peper na smaak


Klits die eier en die room saam en hou eenkant. Voeg sout na smaak by

Pasta: Plaas ‘n groot kastrol op hoog met ongeveer 1,5l water in. Voeg 2teelepels sout en 2 Eetlepel olyfolie by die water. Wanneer die water vinnig kook, plaas 200g - 350g Tagliatelle in die kookwater en roer nou en dan. Kook tot al dente - sag, maar nog effens ferm. Dreineer dadelik en hou eenkant. Gebruik dieselfde kastrol om die res van die bestandele in gaar te maak.

Plaas die 50ml olyfolie in die kastrol en braai die ui tot sag en deurskynend. Voeg die fyngemaakte anyssaad, sout en Chorizo worsringe by. Braai vir nog 2 - 3 minute en roer gedurig.

Verwyder van hitte en roer die room en eiermengsel by en roer deur. 
Spoel kookwater deur die Taglietelle om dit weer warm en los te maak en dreineer
Voeg nou die Tagliatelle by die res van die bestandele in die kastrol en roer goed deur. 
Verhit todat die gereg goed warm is en bedien onmiddellik.
Strooi Mozzarella kaas en varsgemaalde swartpeper oor net voor opdiening

Sit voor met Portugese rolletjies en ‘n groenslaai

Wednesday, 16 October 2013

God's Window, Mpumalanga. Photo: Gabriel Pieterse 

You are prescious

Isaiah 43:4, 5 To me, you are very dear, and I love you. That's why I gave up nations and people to rescue you. Don't be afraid! I am with you. (Contemporary English Version)

You, yes you - are very dear and loved by the Creator of the Universe! You really matter. Sit a while and ponder on this thought. Look at nature - see the delicate balance and splendour and then realize; God made you and me the crown of His creation. With this in mind - tackle the day ahead, no matter what lies in wait for you. With new confidence and self-worth in Christ - you have the same power that God used to raise Jesus from death (Eph1:20) This means that you have power over your health, your finances, your work situation and most importantly - you have power over the enemy. Look at the photo again - God who keeps the Universe in order, knows your name and wants to bless you with all spiritual blessings in heaven and on earth. You are prescious. Praise God.
Have you made this commitment to make Jesus Christ your Lord and Saviour? Are you unsure about how to approach the 'Man in White?' Send me an e-mail;
God bless you!

Monday, 14 October 2013

Waterblommetjiebredie / Water-lily stew

Waterblommetjiebredie is a stew. The name comes from the Afrikaans language and literally means 'small water flower stew' or commonly known as Cape pondweed and is found in the dams and marshes of the Western Cape of South Africa.

 The buds of Aponogeton distachyos are usually ready to be picked in the midwinter months of July and August, leading to their use in winter stews such as waterblommetjiebredie.



1 kg Lamb knuckels, neck or stewing lamb
1 large onion chopped
30 ml Olive oil
2 tsp ground coriander
1 kg Waterblommetjies - washed and cleaned
2 Sour apples grated (Granny Smith)
4 large potatoes peeled and cubed
Juice and rind of one lemon
2 tsp salt
400 ml lamb or beef stock
Pepper to taste


Heat a large heavy based saucepan on the stove and add the oil. Heat well 
Brown the meat in batches until it has a golden brown color. 
Remove the meat from the saucepan and in the same saucepan saute the onion, and spices until the onions are soft. 
Add the meat and stock and on a very slow simmer cook the meat until tender. 
Preheat the oven to 180°C 
Transfer the meat and stock to a large oven casserole with lid and put in the oven for one hour. Now place the potatoes, grated apple, waterblommetjies and lemon juice and rind on top of the meat. This will yields a lovely flavor and color to the final dish. 
After about 45 minutes, remove the lid of the casserole and cook open for about 20 minutes. Grill for the last 4 minutes.
Add pepper and salt to taste.
Serve on soft white rice with a green salad on the side.


1 Kg Lamskenkels of skaapnek
1 Groot ui grof gekap
30 ml Olyfolie
2 t fyn Koljander
1 Kg Waterblommetjies - skoongemaak
2 Suurappels, bv Granny Smith - gerasper
500 g aartappels (4 -5) in 8stes gesny
Sap en skil van 1 suurlemoen
10 ml (2 t Sout)
400ml Vleisaftreksel - bees- of lamsaftreksel
Peper na smaak


In ‘n swaarboomkastrol, verhit die olie tot warm. Voeg die vleis stuk-stuk by en braai tot bruin alkante
Verwyder vleis van kastrol en hou eenkant
Braai die ui, sout en koljandersaad totdat die ui deurskynend is.
Voeg die vleis en vleisaftreksel by en prut op ‘n lae hitte todat die vleis sag is.
Voorverhit oond tot 180° C
Giet die vleismengsel in ‘n oondvaste bak met deksel en plaas die aartappels, waterblommetjies, gerasperde appel, suurlemoensap en gerasperde suurlemoenskil bo-op die vleis.
Bak vir 1 uur en roer die mengsel deur. 
Voeg nog vleisaftreksel by indien nodig.
Plaas terug in die oond vir nog 45 minute waarvan 30 minute sonder deksel.
Net voor opdiening, toets vir ekstra sout en peper en roer 1 teelepel suiker deur.
Bedien op rys met groenslaai

Friday, 11 October 2013

Chicken/Tuna and Rice dish

This is a quick, delicious and nutritional light dish for summer. Serve it with a green salad and enjoy a perfect summer lunch or supper. I use 2 small tins of Heinz Chicken Breast in Ceasar dressing, but any flavour of your choice will work as well. Alternatively, use 2 small tins of Tuna in brine drained and flaked.


1 Liter of cooked rice (about 4 cups)
Use long grain rice; not Basmati rice
1 Small onion finely chopped
2 Small tins of Heinz Shredded Chicken Breast in Ceasar dressing
1 Cup of peas (place frozen peas in a bowl in the microwave oven with 1/4 t sugar, pinch of salt and aromat. Microwave on high for 3 minutes and rest for 2 minutes)
1 Tin of Mixed Vegetables drained (I use the Checkers House Brand)
3/4 Cup of Cheddar cheese (cut in dice-sized bites)

Mix everything together and serve with green salad and bread rolls.

Alternatively: Use 2 tins of Shredded Tuna in Brine. Drain the tuna, flake with a fork and add 100ml Hellman's Mayonaise


Hierdie is 'n heerlike voedsame gereg wat koud bedien kan word in die somer met 'n groenslaai en broodrolletjies vir 'n ligte middag- of aandete. Ek gebruik 2 klein blikkies Heinz Shredded Chicken Breast in Ceasar dressing, maar jy kan ook 2 blikkies Tuna in water gebruik. Dreineer die Tuna, vlok en meng met 100 ml Hellman's Mayonaise.


1 Liter gaar rys (ongeveer 4 koppies)
Gebruik langkorrel rys, nie basmati nie.
1 Klein ui fyngekap
2 Blikkies Heinz Shredded Chicken Breast Ceasar
1 Koppie ertjies (plaas gevriesde ertjies in mikrogolfoond met ¼ t suiker, knypie sout en aromat. Mikrogolf op hoog vir 3 minute, rus vir 2 minute)
1 Blikkie Gemengde Groente Checkers House Brand gedreineer
¾ Koppie Cheddar (in dobbelsteen-grootte blokkies gesny)

Meng alles saam en bedien met ‘n vars slaai en broodrolletjies


In plaas van 2 blikkies Heinz Chicken in Ceasar Dressing, gebruik 2 blikkies Tuna in water en dreineer. Voeg dan 100ml mayonaise by.

Greek meatballs with Napolitana Sauce

This is always a popular snack that usually disappears first off a plate of tappas. Although it takes a bit of time to make, it is so rewarding and delicious! Serve it with tomato wedges with a cucumber dip (tzatziki) and you’ve got a winner.
Our family favourite is to rest the meatballs for 4 - 24 hours in a delicately flavoured Napolitana sauce and then to serve it piping hot with a Margherita Pizza. 


1kg Lean Beef mince (alternatively, use 1 part lambs mince)
1 Medium onion grated
125 ml raw oatmeal
1 Extra large egg
1 Cup of parseley (measured unchopped)
2 teaspoons each:
Salt, Allspice, Cumin and Cinnamon (you may use only 1 t of salt if preferred)

Mix everything together and form small meatballs. Roll each one in flour and fry in shallow hot oil, or bake in a hot oven until golden brown. Leave to drain on kitchen towel

Napolitana Sauce:

1 Large tin of whole Italian tomatoes or 2 x 400g tins
100 ml red wine (optional)
1 t salt
1 T green pesto or alternatively, use a handfull of sweet basil leaves and chop finely
1 T Olive paste
2 T lemon juice
1 T sugar

Place all ingredients in a heavy-based saucepan and heat to boiling point while stirring constantly.
Lower the heat and simmer for 5 - 7 minutes
Use a hand blender to blend to a smooth paste.

(Add more salt and sugar to taste)

Griekse Frikadelle met Napolitana Sous:

Hierdie klein frikadelletjies is altyd ‘n gunsteling op ‘n partytjiebord en is gewoonlik die versnappering wat die gouste opraak. Dis verg bietjie tyd om voor te berei, maar dis oor en oor die moeite werd. 

Bedien koue frikadelletjies met tamatie wiggies en tzatziki (komkommer doopsous) vir ‘n heerlike smulhappie.

Ons gesin se absolute gunsteling is Griekse frikadelletjies in ‘n Napolitana sous en opgedien met ‘n Margherita Pizza. Heerlik!


1kg maer beesmaalvleis (of gebruik een deel lamsmaalvleis en twee dele beesmaalvleis)
1 Medium uit gerasper
125 ml rou hawermout (oats)
1 Ekstragroot eier
1 Koppie pietersielie (ongekap afgemeet)

2 teelepels elk: (verminder die sout na 1 t indien verkies)

Sout, Allspice (Wonderpeper), Cumin (Komyn)  en Kaneel (Cinnamon)

Meng alles saam en vorm klein balletjies. Rol in koekmeelblom en bak in vlak olie tot goudbruin. Hou eenkant

Napolitana sous:

1 Groot blik heel tamaties of twee medium blikke
100 ml rooiwyn (opsioneel)
1 t sout
1 E groen pesto of ‘n handvol soet basiliekruidblare fyngesnipper
1 E Olyf tapenade (Olive Paste)
2 E suurlemoensap
1 E suiker

Verhit tot kookpunt. Verlaag hitte en prut vir 4 - 5 minute
Gebruik ‘n handmenger om te versap

(Voeg ekstra suiker en sout by soos verkies)

Bedien kokend warm bo op pasta of met Margherita pizza