Waterblommetjiebredie / Water-lily stew
Waterblommetjiebredie is a stew. The name comes from the Afrikaans language and literally means 'small water flower stew' or commonly known as Cape pondweed and is found in the dams and marshes of the Western Cape of South Africa.
The buds of Aponogeton distachyos are usually ready to be picked in the midwinter months of July and August, leading to their use in winter stews such as waterblommetjiebredie.
1 kg Lamb knuckels, neck or stewing lamb
1 large onion chopped
30 ml Olive oil
2 tsp ground coriander
1 kg Waterblommetjies - washed and cleaned
2 Sour apples grated (Granny Smith)
4 large potatoes peeled and cubed
Juice and rind of one lemon
2 tsp salt
400 ml lamb or beef stock
Pepper to taste
Heat a large heavy based saucepan on the stove and add the oil. Heat well
Brown the meat in batches until it has a golden brown color.
Remove the meat from the saucepan and in the same saucepan saute the onion, and spices until the onions are soft.
Add the meat and stock and on a very slow simmer cook the meat until tender.
Preheat the oven to 180°C
Transfer the meat and stock to a large oven casserole with lid and put in the oven for one hour. Now place the potatoes, grated apple, waterblommetjies and lemon juice and rind on top of the meat. This will yields a lovely flavor and color to the final dish.
After about 45 minutes, remove the lid of the casserole and cook open for about 20 minutes. Grill for the last 4 minutes.
Add pepper and salt to taste.
Serve on soft white rice with a green salad on the side.
1 Kg Lamskenkels of skaapnek
1 Groot ui grof gekap
30 ml Olyfolie
2 t fyn Koljander
1 Kg Waterblommetjies - skoongemaak
2 Suurappels, bv Granny Smith - gerasper
500 g aartappels (4 -5) in 8stes gesny
Sap en skil van 1 suurlemoen
10 ml (2 t Sout)
400ml Vleisaftreksel - bees- of lamsaftreksel
Peper na smaak
In ‘n swaarboomkastrol, verhit die olie tot warm. Voeg die vleis stuk-stuk by en braai tot bruin alkante
Verwyder vleis van kastrol en hou eenkant
Braai die ui, sout en koljandersaad totdat die ui deurskynend is.
Voeg die vleis en vleisaftreksel by en prut op ‘n lae hitte todat die vleis sag is.
Voorverhit oond tot 180° C
Giet die vleismengsel in ‘n oondvaste bak met deksel en plaas die aartappels, waterblommetjies, gerasperde appel, suurlemoensap en gerasperde suurlemoenskil bo-op die vleis.
Bak vir 1 uur en roer die mengsel deur.
Voeg nog vleisaftreksel by indien nodig.
Plaas terug in die oond vir nog 45 minute waarvan 30 minute sonder deksel.
Net voor opdiening, toets vir ekstra sout en peper en roer 1 teelepel suiker deur.
Bedien op rys met groenslaai
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