Spinach and Feta Quiche
Afrikaans onder
For the crust:
1 Cup of all purpose cake flour (measured unsifted)
2 t Baking Powder
2ml salt
125 gr cold butter grated
60 ml cold soda water
250 g shredded spinach leaves
1 Large onion grated
3 Wheels of feta cheese
2 T butter
30 ml olive oil
2 ml salt
2 - 4 T warm water
2 large eggs
250 ml fresh cream
2ml salt
Sift cake flour, baking powder and salt in a mixing bowl
Add the grated butter and rub into the flour mixture
Gradually add the soda water and mix until a dough forms (Add drops of soda water if the dough is still too dry)
Press the dough into a greased oven dish of 25cm in diameter.
Fry the onion in the butter and olive oil until soft (not brown)
Add spinach and salt and fry while stirring
Add the warm water to allow the spinach to steam until soft
Allow all the water to evaporate completely
Remove from the stove and allow to cool slightly
Pour the spinach and feta mixture onto the crust and spread evenly
Beat the two eggs into the 250ml cream
Add 2 ml salt
Pour cream custard onto the spinach and feta mixture
Bake in the oven for 30 - 35 minutes until cream and egg- custard has set
Remove from the oven and finish with paprika
Vir die kors:
1 koppie koekmeelblom (ongesif afgemeet)
2 t bakpoeier
2ml sout
125gr koue botter gerasper
60 ml sodawater
250gr gesnipperde spinasie
1 Groot ui fyngekap
3 wiele Feta Kaas fyngemaak
2 E botter
30 ml olyfolie
2ml sout
2 - 4 Eetlepels kookwater
2 groot eiers geklits
250ml room
2ml sout
Sit koekmeelblom, bakpoeier en sout saam in ‘n mengbak
Voeg gerasperde botter by en vryf goed deur met vingers
Voeg die sodawater by en meng tot ‘n deeg vorm (voeg teelepels vol sodawater by as die deeg nog te droog is)
Druk die deeg in ‘n gesmeerde oondvaste bak van 25cm om ‘n dun kors te vorm op die bodem en teen die kante van die bak. Druk die randjie met ‘n vurk
Braai die gekapte ui in botter en olie tot effens sag
Voeg die gesnipperde spinasie en sout by en roer aanhoudend
Voeg die kookwater by sodat die spinasie kan stoom en afkook
Roer tot water byna heeltemaal weggekook is
Verwyder van hitte en laat effens afkoel
Voeg fetakaaskrummels by en roer deur
Giet spinasiemengsel bo-op die voorbereide kors en versprei eweredig
Voeg die geklitste eier by die room en sout en gooi nou die eier-vla bo-oor die tert
Bak by 180 vir 30 - 35 minute tot eier gestol is in die middel en goubruin bo-op
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