Bobotie en Geelrys ( English below)
Wintertyd is sinoniem met bobotie. Hier is 'n lekker resep vir 6 - 8 mense.
Bobotie met Geelrys
E = Eetlepel
t = teelepel
Geelrys met rosyne:
300 ml rys (langkorrel rys, nie basmati nie)
800 ml water
1 t sout
1 t tumeric
1 t karamel bruinsuiker
1 t botter
½ t kaneel
1 kaneelstokkie
100 ml gedroogde rosyne of sultanas
Voeg alles saam in ‘n kastrol en laat tot kookpunt kom. Verlaag die hitte en prut vir 20 - 25 minute tot rys sag is. Verwyder kaneelstokkie en dreineer die rys. Giet in ‘n opdienbak.
2 snye witbrood, korsies verwyder
250 ml melk
1 Groot ui grofgekap
50 ml olyfolie
800 g ekstra maer maalvleis
1 t Ina Paarman masala
2 eiers
2 t sout
2 lourierblare ((opsioneel)
1 blikkie lensies
100 ml kookwater
Meng alles saam:
2 E matige kerriepoeier
1 E karamel bruinsuiker
1 E suurlemoensap
2 E olyfolie
2 E appelkooskonfyt
1 E balsemiekasyn (balsamic vinegar)
2 t tumeric
Voorverhit die oond tot 160° C
Week brood in melk
Braai die ui in ‘n groot dikboomkastrol in olyfolie tot sag. Voeg sout en masala by en braai effens om geur los te laat. Voeg maalvleis by en braai effens. Voeg nou die kerriemengsel by en roer goed deur terwyl dit braai. Voeg 100ml kookwater by en roer goed deur. Druk vleismengsel fyn met metaaldrukker (masher).
Druk die melk uit die brood en hou eenkant.
Voeg brood by vleismengsel en meng goed. Laat die mengsel ‘n rukkie kook. Voeg die blikkie lensies by en meng in
Bespuit ‘n oondvaste bak met ‘n volume van 1,5 l met kleefwerende middel
Skep die vleismengsel in die bak
Klits die twee eiers in die melk en voeg ½ t sout by
Gooi die eiermengsel oor die bobotie, druk twee lourierblare in die middel van die mengsel en bak vir ongeveer 30 minute in die oond of tot goudbruin bo-op.
Sit warm voor.
Bobotie and Yellow rice with raisins
T = Table spoon
t = teaspoon
Winter time is synonym with Bobotie. Here is a delicious recipe that serves 6 - 8 persons
Yellow rice with raisins;
300 ml uncooked rice (not Basmati)
800 ml water
1 t salt
1 t tumeric
1 t caramel brown sugar
1 t butter
1/2 t cinnamon
1 stick of cinnamon
100 ml dried raisins
Put everything into a saucepan and bring to the boil. Reduce the heat and simmer for about 20 - 25 minutes or until the rice is soft. Remove the cinnamon stick and drain excess water from the rice. Serve hot
2 slices of white bread - crusts removed
250 ml milk
1 Big onion chopped
50 ml olive oil
800g extra lean mince
1 t Ina Paarman masala
2 eggs
2 t salt
2 bay leaves
1 400g tin of lentils
100 ml boiling water
Curry mixture
Mix together:
2 T mild curry powder
1 T caramel brown sugar
1 T lemon juice
2 T olive oil
2 T apricot jam
1 T balsamic vinegar
2 t tumeric
Preheat oven to 160° C
Saok bread in milk
Fry the onion in a heavy-based saucepan in the olive oil until soft. Add salt and masala and heat through to release flavour. Add mince meat and fry while stirring. Add curry mixture and stir while frying with meat mixture. Add 100ml boiling water and stir thoroughly. Use a metal masher to remove lumps.
Press milk from bread and keep seperate
Add bread to meat and mix through. Cook meat mixture for 2 more minutes. Add lentils and mix well into mixture.
Spray an ovenproof dish of 1,5 l capacity with non-stick spray
Spoon meat mixture into the ovenproof dish
Add two eggs and 1/2 t of salt to the leftover milk and beat well
Pour milk mixture over meat, insert two bayleaves in the middle of the dish and put in the oven
Bake for about 20 - 25 minutes or until golden brown.
Serve hot with Yellow Rice and Raisins.
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