Wednesday, 31 July 2013


E = Eetlepel
t  = teelepel

Vir 6 - 8 patties:

800 gr Ekstra Maer Beesvleis
½  Klein rooi uitjie fyngekap
4 Cream Crackers fyngemaak in voedselverwerker
2 Eetlepels Fyngemaakte Parmesaankaas
100 ml balsamiekasyn
2 Eetlepels pietersielie (fyngekap afgemeet)
2 Teelepels sout
2 Teelepels Cumin (Komyn)
2 Teelepels Koljander spesery
2 Teelepels Braaivleisspesery (Barbecue spice)

Meng al die bestandele saam en maak 6 ewe groot frikadelle
Druk plat in ‘n pattie-drukker, of met die hande tot so 2 cm dikte

Verhit ‘n swaarboompan wat met nie-kleefwerende sproei bespuit is tot baie warm
Plaas die patties drie-drie in die pan en braai tot byna gaar (draai gereeld om)

Bedien met vars blaarslaai, tamatieskywe, kaasskywe, gesnyde agurkies en burgersous


Meng saam: 50 ml mosterd, 100 ml elk Tamatiesous, Blatjang en Mayonaise
Voeg by 1 klein rooiuitjie fyngekap

Hamburger Patties

T = Tablespoon
t  = teaspoon

For 6 - 8 burger patties

800 gr Extra lean mince
½  Small red onion finely chopped
4 Cream Crackers crushed in a blender
2 T grated Parmesan Cheese
100 ml balsamic vinegar
2 T parseley (finely chopped)
2 t salt
2 t cumin
2 t coriander spice
2 t barbecue spice

Mix all ingredients together and form 6 - 8 meatballs
Use a pattie-press to form patties or press flat with the palms of your hands
Heat a heavy-based saucepan that has been sprayed with non-stick spray
Place three patties at a time in the saucepan and fraai until done to taste (turn regularly)
Serve with fresh lettuce, tamato slices, cheese slices, sliced gherkins and burger sauce

Burger sauce:

Mix together: 50 ml mustard, 100l each tomato sauce, Chutney and Mayonaise. Add ½ red onion finely chopped


Joh 17:3 En dit is die ewige lewe, dat hulle U ken, die enige waaragtige God, en Jesus Christus wat U gestuur het

Joh 17:3 And this is life eternal, that they might know thee the only true God, and Jesus Christ, whom thou hast sent.

The words of that old hymn rings so true: 

This world is not my home, I'm just passing trhough
My treasures are laid up somewhere beyond the blue . . . .

Have you ever given this thought: Where and on what do you spend most of your time and energy? What takes up most of your thoughts and desires? The answer my friend, is not blowing in the wind; the answer may indeed give you a very clear indication of your spiritual state. 

If I am honest I have to admit that I find myself more and more often woryying about my daily chores, food, clothing, relationships, problems on work- and personal related issues. Yet, when I meditate on the Word of God and realize where our real home is, I get rejuvinated with new energy and joy and zest for the life awaiting me in the hereafter. Is this escape-theology? I think not. Rather I perceive this as a wake-up call for me to get my priorities right again and to focus on things that really matter. 

Math6:33 But seek ye first the kingdom of God, and his rightiousness; and all these things shall be added unto you.

Monday, 29 July 2013

Daily Devotion Daaglikse Pitkos

Ps 84:12

Want die HERE God is 'n son en skild; die HERE sal genade en eer gee; Hy sal die goeie nie onthou (weghou) aan die wat in opregtheid wandel nie.

Wat 'n heerlike gedagte; die wete dat daar by God geen aansien van persoon is nie; Hy het nie witbroodjies nie. Ons kan staan op Sy belofte soos die Psalmdigter dit vir ons opgeteken het. God is vir jou 'n son - om vir jou die bron van lewe en lig te wees; 'n skild om jou te beskerm teen die vurige pyle van die bose. Hy sal jou beskerming wees in die geveg van die lewe. Meer nog, Sy gedagte vir jou is net goedheid en guns - al die dae van jou lewe. Hy wil vir Sy kinders nét die beste hê, net soos 'n aardse vader vir sy kinders, wil God vir jou en vir my alle aardse seëninge en voorspoed gee. Hy sal nóóit die goeie dinge (seëninge, gesondheid, voorspoed, liefde ens.) van jou weerhou nie. Wanneer jy en ek in opregtheid wandel (Sy wil vir ons lewe vervul) sal en moet dit met ons goedgaan.

Friday, 26 July 2013

Book Review Book Resensie

Glory Beyond the Tryline

Christian Art Publishers

For us as South Africans, Rugby is much more than a game. With endless sunshine, enthusiastic sport fanatics and a good deal of competitiveness, rugby is the heartbeat of the people of this country. 

Glory Beyond the Tryline pays tribute to the pioneers of the game and gives an overview of the glorious highlights in the history of rugby in South Africa. In this book you will find testimonies of some of South Africa's prominent ruby playsers like Pierre Spies, Victor Matfield, Juan Smith and their faith and commitment to Christ. Some of the greatest moments ever captured in beautiful colour photographs with memobrable glimpses of behind the scenes moments.

Name one person whose testimony is given in this book; write the answer, your name and postal address in the comment box and you may be the proud owner of a complimentary copy

Thursday, 25 July 2013

Daily Devotion: Daagliks Pitkos

25 July 2013

2 John 1: 3 Grace (spiritual blessing), mercy and (soul) peace will be with us, from God the Father and from Jesus Christ (the Messiah), the Father's Son, in all sincerity (truth) and love.

Night falls; another day is done. May this blessing from the second letter of John the apostle, become a reality for you. May the peace that surpasses all understanding (Phil 4:7) be with you as you lie down to sleep and may you wake up in the morning with renewed strength and a refreshed spirit.

25 Julie 2013

2 Joh 1:3 Ons het ook daardie uitsonderlike vrede wat net God kan gee. God, ons Vader, en sy Seun, Jesus Christus, is so goed vir ons, sonder dat ons dit verdien. ons is mos mense wat elke dag uit God se waarheid en liefde leef. 

Die aandskemer daal en nog 'n dag is verby. Mag hierdie besondere seën van die tweede brief van die apostel Johannes jou deel wees en wanneer jy gaan lê om te slaap, mag daardie vrede wat alle verstand te bowe gaan (vl Fil 4:7) jou hart en siel bewaar en jy 'n soete nagrus geniet sodat jy met die koms van die nuwe dag weer opgewek word met nuwe krag en lewenslus. 

Tuesday, 23 July 2013

die stilte in myself

Riana Scheepers en Hannetjie de Clercq

Uitgewers: lapa

Hierdie pragtige boek is die resultaat van 'n jarelange vriedskap tussen twee talentvolle vroue. Die een skets die emosies van vrouwees in kragtige kort gedigte; die ander voltooi die prentjie met die mooiste skilderye. Die vele fasette van vrouwees word vasgevang in woord en beeld; jy sal ure en ure se plesier put uit hierdie besondere boek. Ideaal vir 'n geskenk aan enige vrou wat jy graag wil bederf; jou vriendin, jou ma, jou dogter of natuurlik, jouself . . . 

Wie is die uitgewers van die stilte in myself? Beantwoord die maklike vraag en een gelukkige persoon ontvang 'n kopie per pos

Monday, 22 July 2013

Bobotie en Geelrys ( English below)

Wintertyd is sinoniem met bobotie. Hier is 'n lekker resep vir 6 - 8 mense. 

Bobotie met Geelrys

E = Eetlepel
t = teelepel

Geelrys met rosyne:

300 ml rys (langkorrel rys, nie basmati nie)
800 ml water
1 t sout
1 t tumeric
1 t karamel bruinsuiker
1 t botter
½ t kaneel
1 kaneelstokkie
100 ml gedroogde rosyne of sultanas

Voeg alles saam in ‘n kastrol en laat tot kookpunt kom. Verlaag die hitte en prut vir 20 - 25 minute tot rys sag is. Verwyder kaneelstokkie en dreineer die rys. Giet in ‘n opdienbak.


2 snye witbrood, korsies verwyder
250 ml melk
1 Groot ui grofgekap
50 ml olyfolie
800 g ekstra maer maalvleis
1 t Ina Paarman masala
2 eiers
2 t sout
2 lourierblare ((opsioneel)
1 blikkie lensies
100 ml kookwater


Meng alles saam:
2 E matige kerriepoeier
1 E karamel bruinsuiker
1 E suurlemoensap
2 E olyfolie
2 E appelkooskonfyt
1 E balsemiekasyn (balsamic vinegar)
2 t tumeric

Voorverhit die oond tot 160° C

Week brood in melk
Braai die ui in ‘n groot dikboomkastrol in olyfolie tot sag. Voeg sout en masala by en braai effens om geur los te laat. Voeg maalvleis by en braai effens. Voeg nou die kerriemengsel by en roer goed deur terwyl dit braai. Voeg 100ml kookwater by en roer goed deur. Druk vleismengsel fyn met metaaldrukker (masher). 
Druk die melk uit die brood en hou eenkant. 
Voeg brood by vleismengsel en meng goed. Laat die mengsel ‘n rukkie kook. Voeg die blikkie lensies by en meng in
Bespuit ‘n oondvaste bak met ‘n volume van 1,5 l met kleefwerende middel
Skep die vleismengsel in die bak
Klits die twee eiers in die melk en voeg ½ t sout by
Gooi die eiermengsel oor die bobotie, druk twee lourierblare in die middel van die mengsel en bak vir ongeveer 30 minute in die oond of tot goudbruin bo-op.
Sit warm voor.

Bobotie and Yellow rice with raisins 

T = Table spoon
t = teaspoon

Winter time is synonym with Bobotie. Here is a delicious recipe that serves 6 - 8 persons


Yellow rice with raisins;

300 ml uncooked rice (not Basmati)
800 ml water
1 t salt
1 t tumeric
1 t caramel brown sugar
1 t butter
1/2  t cinnamon
1 stick of cinnamon
100 ml dried raisins

Put everything into a saucepan and bring to the boil. Reduce the heat and simmer for about 20 - 25 minutes or until the rice is soft. Remove the cinnamon stick and drain excess water from the rice. Serve hot


2 slices of white bread - crusts removed
250 ml milk
1 Big onion chopped
50 ml olive oil
800g extra lean mince
1 t Ina Paarman masala
2 eggs
2 t salt
2 bay leaves
1 400g tin of lentils
100 ml boiling water

Curry mixture

Mix together:

2 T mild curry powder
1 T caramel brown sugar
1 T lemon juice
2 T olive oil
2 T apricot jam
1 T balsamic vinegar
2 t tumeric

Preheat oven to 160° C

Saok bread in milk
Fry the onion in a heavy-based saucepan in the olive oil until soft. Add salt and masala and heat through to release flavour. Add mince meat and fry while stirring. Add curry mixture and stir while frying with meat mixture. Add 100ml boiling water and stir thoroughly. Use a metal masher to remove lumps.
Press milk from bread and keep seperate
Add bread to meat and mix through. Cook meat mixture for 2 more minutes. Add lentils and mix well into mixture.
Spray an ovenproof dish of 1,5 l capacity with non-stick spray
Spoon meat mixture into the ovenproof dish
Add two eggs and 1/2 t of salt to the leftover milk and beat well
Pour milk mixture over meat, insert two bayleaves in the middle of the dish and put in the oven
Bake for about 20 - 25 minutes or until golden brown. 
Serve hot with Yellow Rice and Raisins.

22 July Devotion: Chapel; Champagne Sports Resort Winterton 

Storms Bring Out the Eagles,
But the Little Birds Take Cover"

When the "storms of life"
Gather darkly ahead,
I think of these wonderful words
I once read.
And I say to myself 
As "threatening clouds" hover,
Don't "fold up your wings"
And "run for cover."
But like the eagle,
"Spread wide your wings"
And "soar far above"
The troubles life brings.
For the eagle knows 
That the higher he flies,
The more tranquil and brighter 
Become the skies.
And there is nothing in life 
God ever asks us to bear 
That we can't soar above 
"On the wings of prayer."
And in looking back over 
The "storm you passed through,"
You'll find you gained strength 
And new courage, too.
For in facing "life's storms"
With an eagle's wings,
You can fly far above 
Earth's small, petty things.

Wednesday, 17 July 2013

Devotion: 17 July

God is even kinder than we think

Ps 111:4 He has made His wonderful works to be remembered; the Lord is gracious, merciful, and full of loving compassion

We have a Father who is kind and patient. Someone once said: God is even kinder than we think. If this is all you remember today, it is sufficient. People may remind you of your past, lie to you, abandon you, fail you, disappoint you; but God will never leave you nor forsake you. Walk in His strength today

Tuesday, 16 July 2013




Ek geniet my voorstedelikheid terdeë. Noem my snobisties, nouveau riche of sommer plein opstêrs, maar my swart blinkleer Prada stewels en Louis Vuitton handsak komplimenteer my appelgroen snyerspakkie perfek en ek weet dit. By die werk drink ek elke kompliment in wat ek kry en knik geoefen-skaam en sê bedees dankie, maar binne-in blom ek. Hierdie selfvertroue is swaar verdien en dit het jare se klim en trap gekos om bo te kom.

Na skool het ek aansoek gedoen om ‘n beurs en kliphard studeer om uiteindelik my Meestersgraad in Afrikaans te behaal en met ma en pa se dood ses maande uitmekaar het ek die erfgeld gevat en vir my hier in ‘n stil singel in ‘n deftige voorstad van Pretoria, ‘n pragtige meenthuis gekoop waar ek saans my skoene uitskop en in die sagte lamplig ‘n Martini drink voor ek vir my ‘n boutiek-ete aanmekaarslaan. Suburbia pas my so gemaklik soos my sagte leer stewels.

Tot die dag toe my nuwe buurman my een oggend vroeg buite by die motorhuis raakloop. “More,” sê hy, “Ek is jou nuwe buurman Stian. Sebastian Hermann” en hy steek sy bruingebrande hand uit na my. Skielik weet ek presies waar die term bladskud vandaan kom en ek mompel “Welkom, ek is Desi, Desiré van Heerden”, terwyl my tande behoorlik op mekaar klap. Met die wegry kyk ek in my truspieëltjie en sien hoe die bielie-van-die-Bosveld my met sy hande op sy heupe agternakyk. “Hm, glad nie sleg nie,” dink ek en skrik behoorlik toe hy so ewe vir my waai. So asof hy weet ek hou hom dop. Die vermetele kapokhaan!

Die hele dag dwaal my gedagtes terug na die ferm handskud en die intense donker kyk in sy groen-bruin oë. Ek wonder wat doen hy vir ‘n lewe. Dit lyk nie juis asof hy kantoorwerk doen nie, daarvoor is sy bruingebrande gesonde voorkoms net te natuurlik, selfs in die spierwit golfhemp en snyersbroek.

Dit vind ek sommer daardie selfde aand nog uit. “Ek is ‘n ontwikkelaar”, bied hy ongevraagd aan toe hy my weer by die motorhuis raakloop, “en ek is hierdie naweek in Plettenbergbaai waar ons ‘n nuwe Gholflandgoed ontwikkel. Ek sê maar net sodat jy weet”. 

Toe ek nie antwoord nie vra hy “En jy, wat doen jy vir ‘n lewe”
“Ek is ‘n lektor in Afrikaans”
“Jy bedoel lektrise”, korrigeer hy my.
“Nee, ek bedoel lektor. Daar bestaan nie meer so iets soos ‘n lektrise nie”
“Nou goed dan, buurman,” sê hy en ‘n lui glimlag speel om sy vol mond, “as jy so sê dan is dit seker so”

Van toe af is ek Buurman as ons mekaar toevallig buite raakloop.

Daar is net vier huise in die sekuriteitskompleks en ons klompie sien mekaar gereeld buite by die motorhuise in die singel, of in die tuine wat privaat, maar tog ook oop is. Mev Joyce Mabula is ook enkellopend en vir haar sien ek maar min. Dan is daar Riëtte en Dawie met hulle twee spruite. Dawie reis baie en Riëtte lyk vir my altyd hartseer, maar die tweeling van vyf is lieftallig en oulik en kom kuier gereeld by my oor ‘n naweek.
Klein Dawie is vreeslik bekkig en op ‘n oggend kondig hy aan: “Mamma sê jy is te ghrênd vir ons en sy is te skaam om hier te kom kuier.” Ek voel vreemd gevlei en terselfdertyd ook jammer vir die beskimmelde arme mens en in my binneste dink ek, “As jy maar weet waar ek vandaan kom . . .” 
Ek onderdruk vinnig die gedagte en gloei weer in die glorie van my geskepte glans-wêreld en peperduur meubels.

Saterdagmiddag lê lui agteroor en bak in die laatmiddagson toe ek skielik ‘n kommosie buite by die motorhuise hoor. Ek storm by die voordeur uit en neem ‘n warboel beelde met een kyk in. 
Mev Mabula staan verbouereed met die afstandbeheer in haar hand terwyl die geroeste rooi rammelkas tot stilstand kom. 

“He followed me in,” stamel sy op my vraende kyk.

“Hoezit, Cherrie!,” roep die ouerige man met die uitklimslag in my rigting. 

Ek hou aan die veiligheidshek vas om nie agteroor te slaan van pure skok nie.
Daar is net ‘n handjievol mense wat my kleintyd bynaam ken en hier voor my, in lewende lywe staan Stanley, oorle’ ma se broer wat vir my as driejarige ‘n slukkie van sy Sherry aangebied het. Hoor en sien kon vergaan soos ek die res van die aand geraas het oor nog “Tjerrie” tot my ma se groot ergenis.

“Shurl,” roep hy met so ‘n draai in sy stem, “Kyk hoe ghrênd het die kind geword”, en antie Shirley bondel agter hom by die passasierskant uit. Uitgerys soos ‘n deegbroodjie kom sy aangewaggel met walle en walle tiervel wat oor die stywe swart romp val. 
Behalwe vir die golwe pikswart hare wat nou geel gebleik en kort geknip is, lyk sy presies nog net soos ek haar onthou. Die glimlag agter die gekraakte rooi lippe wys nog steeds die effense gaping tussen die twee voortande.
“Smittie,” roep oom Stanley, “bring die kitare en speakers, vanaand gaan ons ‘n opskop hou!”
Niemand kon ooit presies uitwerk waar Smittie in die prentjie pas nie, maar waar Stanley en Shirley gegaan het, was Smittie altyd by. ‘n Ware, egte sidekick as ek ooit een gesien het.

Skielik begin flitse uit my kinderjare soos ‘n rolprent in my kop afspeel en ek sien gelyktydig ‘n rokerige voorhuis met laggende grootmense, ‘n kombuis met ‘n kale gloeilamp wat aan ‘n draad van die plafon afhang, elektriese kitare wat oorverdowend speel en ons kinders wat in die slaapkamer van pure oormoegheid op die beddens spring en lag, dan bo-op die hangkas staan en afspring op die beddens terwyl ons lag en lag en lag.
“Shurl, my girl, vanaand gaan jy twist en twirl!”
“Oe, my swak blaas, Stan!,”giggel Shirley, “Wag, ek gaan gou na die gemakkie toe en dan, Stanley, dan sal jy jou steps moet ken ou kêrel!”

Shirl kry ‘n raps op die agterstewe en sy lag in Stanley se rigting.

Ek herstel nog van die reuse skok toe ‘n bekende stem skielik agter my praat
“Buurman, het die aliens geland, of wat?”
“Wat maak jy hier?” vra ek en nou dreig my bene om onder my pad te gee
“Hallo? Ek bly hier langsaan, onthou jy?” lag sy stem en ek sien die donkerkop wat agter hom staan met haar hand oor haar mond geslaan.
Ag nee, nie dit ook nog nie. Sy meisie moet nou ook my skande aanskou.
“Ek dog jy is in Plett vir die naweek”
“En ons almal weet wat dog gedoen het, nê?” lag hy nou openlik terwyl hy die spektakel aanskou. Dog se maat kom nou langs hom staan en gaap die spulletjie oopmond aan.

“Moenie net daar staan nie, tjomma,” roep Stanley terwyl hy ‘n paar biere in Stian se rigting swaai, “Bring jy die liquid snacks nader. Die mammies se bene moet gepiekel word vir die tiekiedraai!”
“Bring stoele, ou girl,” roep Stanley na my kant toe, “Die plek van jou is net reg vir ‘n lekker opskop!”
My kop sing soos ‘n besie maar my bene wil nie werk nie
“Toe-toe, Cherrie,” praat ‘n bekende stem agter my, “Jy hoor vir Stanley, hier kom ‘n helse konsert vanaand”.
Ag nee, nie dit ook nog nie. Hoe lank staan hy al die show en bekyk?

Mev Mabula word ‘n bier in die hand gestop en toe sy protesteer, bring Shirley ‘n lang glas uit die kombuis te voorskyn en druk my verstomde buurvrou summier in ‘n tuinstoel in terwyl sy paai, “Relax, darling, just relax and enjoy the ride”

En wat ‘n ride sou dit nie word nie!

Later kom Riëtte met haar bleek, “afdraend gevreetjie”, soos Shirley opmerk en die tweeling by en dit word ‘n aand van klank en kleur en duur versnapperings wat uit my yskas uit aangedra word terwyl Stanley en Shurl draai en swaai en Smittie die kitare slaan dat hoor en sien vergaan. Joyce Mabula jive later onder luide toejuiging en die tweeling raak uiteindelik uitgeput op my sitkamer bank aan die slaap. Stian stook vir Stanley op om nog vinniger te draai en selfs die donkerkop kruip ook later uit haar dop en onder sy blad uit en hulle twee dans die teerblad aan die brand.

Wat ‘n aand word dit toe nie.

Ek weet nou nog nie wat die grootste was nie - die skok van die skielike konfrontasie met my verlede of my verligting om toevallig iewers gedurende die aand uit te vind dat dog-se-maat toe al die tyd sy suster is wat onverwags opgedaag het en sy naweekplanne na Plett in die wiele gery het.

Wat ek wel weet, is dat toe die rooi kar die aand met ‘n laaste backfire by die sekuriteitshekke uitry, dat ek net in my hart geweet het dat ek hier vanaand ‘n rubicon oorgesteek het en dat die spesiale kyk in die groen-bruin oë beslis nie my verbeelding is nie.



2 CHRONICLES 16:9 For the eyes of Yahweh run back and forth throughout the whole earth, to show himself strong in the behalf of them whose heart is perfect toward him.

The mere thought that the Creator of the universe stands ready to show himself strong in the behalf of whosoever trusts in Him fully, is almost too big a concept for me to fathom. Yet, this is the promise we receive from His Word. May you walk in confidence today that whatsoever crosses your path, you will be able to conquer any situation. Not by power, not by might but by His spirit; this is the wonderful, blessed assurance offered to you and me by the blood of the Lamb and the word of our testimony. 

Monday, 15 July 2013

Good News!

Don't know about you, but I can do with a good dose of good news, especially on a Cape Town wintry Monday morning!

Ephesians 1:7
in whom we have our redemption through his blood, the forgiveness of our trespasses, according to the riches of his grace,

Now this is Good News. Through Jesus Christ eternal redemption has been made available to all who receive it.

     * Redemption through his blood

     * Forgiveness of our trespasses - past, present and future sins

     * An abundance of grace - daily, never-ending, all-encompassing

Now that is the Gospel of Jesus Christ. Good News indeed!

Sunday, 14 July 2013

Who am I?

Family, friends, near-ones, dear-ones. Page under construction, add-ons to follow

I am married to an amazingly loving, kind and upright man. Johan is a general physician in private parctise and we recently celebrated our 33rd Anniversary. I count it an honour to call him the love of my life. We have two sons, Rudi and Nico and a darling in heaven, Freddie.

For the past thirteen years I have been broadcasting at Radio Tygerberg, a Christian Community Radio Station in Cape Town South Africa. Listen to our broadcasts on or on your iPhone, iPad, Blackberry or Android phone - download an APP like Tunein and . . . . Tune in!

 Rudi our first-born has been married for a year now to the most darling girl. I call her my brag-doll. She is a talented ballet dancer with The Underground Dance Company and is busy with het Masters Degree. Rudi is an International Tax Lawyer

Nico is our youngest and he is a lecturer at the University of Stellenbosch in Economics and Marlie Kock is a talented cabaret performer completing her Masters Degree. Visit her webpage on 

We are a family of animal lovers. At home, I am servant to two dogs, a Golden Lab called Mot, a MinPin, Quala, a siamese cat Misha and a spunky white-capped conure Yankee. We do love our pets!
Recently there has been another add-on in a long list of free-riders, a phesant called 'Hoendertjie'



Saturday, 13 July 2013


Daily Devotion

His strength is perfect

Isiah 40:29 - 31


Have you ever felt so tired that you can't get out of bed?  And once you have made it out of bed you battle to put one foot in front of the other and wonder why on earth you got out of bed in the first place? The tiredness that numbs your brain has seeped into your very bones and this makes the mere act of breathing an effort.

This week an elderly lady phoned me and she sounded so tired and despondent that I could actually hear the utter sadness in her voice. Her grown-up son who has battled with an addiction for seventeen years has fallen back into the abbyss of drug abuse after he has been clean for more than two years. His elderly parents were so hopeful and supportive during the two years that he was clean and their joy knew no bounds. Then, one day he didn't come home and the nagging feeling that something was wrong somewhere became a reality when he eventually pitched up after several days and their worst nightmare was confirmed; he was back on drugs.

"I am too tired to get out of bed," she says in a thin, soft voice. "I don't even have the energy to cook food".
I felt so helpless to comfort this dear old lady. How can I tell her I share in her pain if I have no idea what she is going through? I cannot even imagine the heartache and sorrow parents must feel when a child falls back into the destructive pattern of lies and deceit that accompanies an addictive lifestyle.
All I could really do is assure her that I will pray for them and promise to follow up with a phone call from time to time. I reminded her of the blessed assurance given us in Isaiah
Isaiah 40:29-31
29  He gives power to the weak. He increases the strength of him who has no might.
30  Even the youths faint and get weary, and the young men utterly fall;
31  But those who wait for Yahweh will renew their strength. They will mount up with wings like eagles. They will run, and not be weary. They will walk, and not faint.

May you too be comforted today in the knowledge that our strength comes from the Lord and that we can rest perfectly in His power.