Thursday, 29 August 2013

Beer-batter for Fish /Heerlike Visbeslag

This is a delicious batter for fish or chicken strips, or even for pork fillet strips.



6 - 8 fish fillets (defrosted and dried with paper towel)
1 Cup of all purpose cake flour (keep one T seperate to dust fish with)
½ Cup of corn flour or Maizena
1 t Paprika
½ t Tumeric
½ t Sugar
2 Egg whites stiffly wisked
Salt and Pepper to taste
Beer or soda water for non-alcohol users


Place the fish fillets on a chopping board and season with salt and pepper and fish spice (optional)
Lightly dust with 1 T of flour
Sift together cake flour and corn flour
Add paprika, tumeric, salt and pepper and sugar
Fold in whisked egg whites
Add beer a little bit at a time and stir until you have a batter to your liking (not too runny)

Heat a heavy-based saucepan with 2cm of canola oil until hot, but not smoking hot
Test the heat by dropping a bit of batter into the oil. The batter must bubble and come to the surface immediately.
Put the fish fillets into the batter, four at time, coat completely and carefully lower the fillets into the hot oil.
Turn once or twice
Bake until golden brown on both sides.
Allow to drain excess oil on paper towel, and transfer to a serving dish
Use any extra batter to coat chicken breast fillet-strips or pork fillet strips and fry afterwards in the hot oil. 

Beer-batter for Fish /Heerlike Visbeslag



6 - 8 Visfilette wat ontdooi en afgedroog is

1 Koppie Koekmeelblom (Hou een Eetlepel meel eenkant om vis mee te bestrooi)

½ Koppie Mielieblom of Maizena

1 t Paprika

½ t Tumeric

½ t Suiker

2 Eierwitte styfgeklop

Sout en Peper na smaak

Bier om deeg aan te maak (Jy kan ook sodawater gebruik)

Canola olie om vis in te braai


Plaas ontdooide visfilette op ‘n bord en besprinkel met sout en Ina Paarman se Visspesery
Sif koekmeelblom oor aan beide kante
Sif Koekmeelblom en Mielieblom saam
Voeg Paprika, Tumeric, sout, peper en suiker by
Vou styfgeklopte eierwit in die meelmengsel in
Gooi nou die bier bietjies-bietjies in terwyl jy die beslag meng todat dit soos dikroom lyk

In ‘n swaarboompan, verhit so 2cm Canola olie tot goed warm, maar nie rokend nie
Toets die hitte van die olie deur ‘n druppel van die beslag in die warm olie te drup. Die stukkie deeg moet dadelik borrel en bo dryf.
Voeg nou al die visfilette in die beslag en maak seker almal is bedek
Neem die filette een vir een en laat sak dit in die olie
Bak vier filette op ‘n slag tot goudbruin
Plaas op ‘n bord met dreineer papier en dan in ‘n opdienbak.
Gebruik hoenderborsfillet- repe of varkfillet-repe om die res van die beslag op te gebruik en bak in warm olie.

Saturday, 24 August 2013


I am sure we are all pretty fastidious about hygiene in the kitchen. We wash our hands before cooking, we clean work surfaces regularly, don’t use the wash cloth on the floor etc.

However, when it comes to toilet-hygiene, I find people are mostly clueless. Did you know that the average human will spend half an hour per day in the toilet.?

That is why it is important that we practice good toilet hygiene and etiquette to minimize the spread of bacteria to our own bodies, but also to the world outside. 
Wash your hands with soap under running water every time after using the toilet. 
Have a bidet installed in every toilet at home for a clean water rinse after every toilet-use. Waterloo offers a unique toiet-bidet that can be fitted onto your existing toilet, old or new. For more info, click on the Waterloo button at the top of the page or visit

Thursday, 22 August 2013

Pork Loin Chops with onion and bell-pepper sauce
Varklendetjops met uie en soetrissie sous


4 Loin Chops
2 E olyfolie
Sout en Peper na Smaak
2 t Steak Rub
2 t Soja Sous
1 Uie in repe gekerf
1 Rooi en 1 Geel soetrissie in repe gesny
2 knoffelhuisies fyngekerf
100 ml kookwater
2 E Jack Daniels Barbeque Glaze Smokey Sweet
3 E Balsamiek asyn
1 E Karamel bruinsuiker
1 t Dijon mosterd

Maak ‘n sny in die spek van die tjops sodat dit nie opkrul terwyl dit braai nie
Vryf speserye deeglik in die tjops in
Verhit 2 E olyfolie in  ‘n swaarboom pan en braai die tjops aan beide kante tot goudbruin en net gaar
Plaas op ‘n bord en hou warm

In dieselfde pan, braai uie, knoffel en soetrissie- repe saam tot sag en deurskynend.
Voeg 1 E olyfolie by indien verkies. 
Roer 100ml kookwater in en voeg nou die res van die bestandele by om die glasuur te maak.

Rangskik die uie- en soetrissie op ‘n bord en plaas tjops bo-op.
Bedien met basmati rys en vars gestoomde groente.

Pork Loin Chops with onion and bell-pepper sauce

Delicious Pork chops with onion and bell-pepper glaze
4 Pork Loin chops
2 T olive oil
Salt and pepper to taste
2 t Steak rub or any other spice to your liking
2 t Soy sauce
1 Onion shredded
1 Yellow and 1 Red pepper cut into strips
2 Galic cloves crushed
100 ml boiling water
2 T Jack Daniels Barbeque Glaze - Smokey Sweet
3 T Balsamic Vinegar
1 T Caramel Brown sugar
1 t Wholegrain Dijon Mustard

Make cuts into the rind of the pork chops
Rub with salt and pepper and spice you prefer, like steak rub
Heat the olive oil in a heavy-based saucepanand fry the chops on both sides until golden brown and just done. Don’t overcook
Remove, place on a plate and keep warm

In the same saucepan, fry the onion, garlic and bellpeppers until soft
Add 1 T of olive oil if you prefer
Now add 100 ml boiling water and cook for about 2 min.
Add the rest of the ingredients to make the glaze
Arrange onion and bellpepper sauce on a serving dish, place chops on top and serve with basmati rice and steamed vegetables.

Monday, 19 August 2013

Summer Salad with Barbeque / Slaai by die Braai

English Below

Koeskoes slaai

250 ml Koeskoes
250 ml Kookwater
½ t sout
5ml Ina Paarman Rosemary and Olive Spice
10 ml Olyfolie

Voeg bymekaar en laat staan vir 15 minute tot sag en opgepof. Vlok met ‘n vurk tot los en fyn

Voeg die volgende by:

6 klein of 3 groot Murgpampoenties waarvan kop en stert verwyder is. Kap in blokkies
½ Blikkie heelpit mielies gedreineer
½ Koppie kersietamaties gehalveer
1 Knoffelhuisie fyngekap
½ Koppie sagte kaasblokkies (mozzarella of gouda)

Meng goed saam en rangskik op ‘n slaaibak wat met slaaiblare en roketblare uitgevoer is

Giet die volgende slaaisous oor:
Klits saam

60 ml olyfolie
20 - 30 ml vars suurlemoensap
1 t heelkorrelmosterd
2 t bruinsuiker
1 knoffelhuisie fyngedruk
‘n knypie sout

CousCous Salad

250 ml CousCous
250 ml Boiliing Water
½ t salt
5 ml Ina Paarman Rosemary and Olive Spice
10 ml Olive Oil
Add together and rest for about 15 minutes until the CousCous is soft. Fluff with a fork until loose and fine

Add the following:

6 small or 3 large baby marrows (zuccini) cut in dice-sized blocks
½ tin (100 - 150 ml) whole kernel corn
½ cup of cherry tomatoes halved
1 Clove of garlic crushed
½ cup of soft cheese (feta, mozzarella or Gouda) sliced into dice-sized blocks
Mix together the salad and arrange on a salad plate covered with lettuce leaves, rocket etc

Pour over the following salad dressing:

60 ml Olive oil
20 - 30 ml fresh lemon juice
1 t whole-grain mustard Dijon
2 t caramel brown sugar
1 clove of garlic crushed
Pinch of salt

Summer salad with Barbeque

Thursday, 15 August 2013

Heerlike Mayonaise Sjokoladekoek

Mayonaise sjokolade koek 

English below

Gebruik die groot swart oondpan vir die koek

Voorverhit die oond tot 180 grade C

Sif droeë bestandele saam:
3 koppies koekmeelblom
2 ½ t Bakpoeier
2 ½  t Koeksoda
Knypie Sout
6 E Kakao
1 ½ k suiker

Voeg nat bestandele by:
1 ½ k mayonaise
2 t vanilla geursel
1 ½ k Water 
Meng tot gladde beslag.

Bak by 180grade vir 25 minute

Versiersel (meng saam en giet oor warm koek)

75 gr margarine
30 ml kakao
45 ml karringmelk
200 gr versiersuiker
1 t vanilje geursel

Versier met fyn flake of 100‘s’n 1000’s

Delicious Mayonaise Chocolate Cake

Use the big black oven roaster for this cake

Preheat the oven to 180 degrees C

Sift together dry ingredients:
3 cups of cake flour
2 ½ t Baking Powder
2 ½ t Bicarbonate of Soda
Pinch of salt
6 T Cacao
1 ½ cups of sugar

Add wet ingredients:
1 ½ cups of mayonaise
2 t of vanilla essence
1 ½ cups of water
Mix well to a smooth batter
Bake at 180° C for 25 minutes

Icing (mix together and spread over warm cake)
75gr margarine
30 ml cacao
45 ml buttermilk
200gr icing sugar
1 t vanilla essence

Wednesday, 14 August 2013


Gary Chapman
Paul White

Is appreciation communicated regularly at your workplace?
Do you truly feel valued by those with whom you work?

If you can’t truly answer ‘yes’ to either one or both these questions, you possibly feel unappreciated in your workplace. This is unfortunate because it will definitely impact negatively on your work ethic and enthusiasm. Consider the fact that if you try to express appreciation in ways that aren’t meaningful to your co-workers, then they may not feel valued at all. The problem may lie in the fact that your’e speaking different languages. In the 5 Languages of Appreciation in the Workplace, Dr Chapman and Dr White will address this problem and help you:

  • Express genuine appreciation to co-workers
  • Increase loyalty with employees and volunteers in the workplace
  • Reduce cynicism and create a more positive work environment
  • Improve your ability to show appreciation for difficult colleagues
  • Convey the language of physical touch in appropriate ways

Discover more about the 5 love languages:

  1. Appreciation Language #1: Words of Affirmation
  2. Appreciation Language #2: Quality Time
  3. Appreciation Language # 3: Acts of Service
  4. Appreciation Language # 4: Tangible Gifts
  5. Appreciation Language #5: Physical Touch

You will learn to discover your own primary Appreciation Language, you will be guided to learn about your potential blind spot and moreover discover the difference between Recognition and Appreciation.

In the well-known style of their previous books, you will read about real-life situations and people that will bring potentially abstract facts home in easy to read passages. 

This is one book you may want to share with work colleagues and seniors in the office. It makes an interesting and enjoyable read with each chapter ending in reflective questions. 

A great book


Don’t know about you, but to me it seems as if people are becoming more and more obsessed with staying young. Every second add tells you about products that you can use, food you must eat and exercise that will keep you younger for longer.

I think one reason for our obsession with finding the fountain of youth is that we tend to isolate our children from grandparents or the elderly in general and is perhaps one of the contributing factors that people today see growing old as unnatural or as a burden. We are simply not confronted with the natural process of aging on a regular basis. 

On the other hand, what good is a long life if you don’t enjoy happiness?

Would you like to enjoy a long and happy life?

Interestingly enough, one of the best ‘lectures’ on growing old peacefully and happy, is given by one of Jesus’ followers the apostle Peter. 

In 1Peter3 he is reciting directly from the book of Psalms chapter 34

1Peter3:10 -  For the one who wants to love life and see good days must keep his tongue from evil and his lips from uttering deceit. 11 And he must turn away from evil and do good; he must seek peace and pursue it. 12 For the eyes of the Lord are upon the righteous and his ears are open to their prayer.

Psalm 34: 12 Do you want to really live?
Would you love to live a long, happy life?

I can meditate on each point for hours and still not really grasp the full depth thereof. With God’s grace, I’ll take it one day, one precept at a time and celebrate each day given me as best I know how.

Thursday, 8 August 2013

They say all men are created equal. Well, looking at a photo of Ryk Neethling getting out of a pool after doing a few laps, really makes me wonder if some men are not created just a little more equal than others. If you catch my drift.

The same goes for savoury mince. It's just mince and tomato chucked together, right?


A wonderful recipe for savoury mince can take you a long way. It is versatile and handy to have in the fridge especially over a weekend.

Today I share with you my all-time favourite. I used half and half Beef- and ostrich mince, but you can use only beef if you prefer. I also add one tin (400g) of lentils for added low-fat protein and fibre and to help you stretch the dish for other uses.

Recipe for today:

Savoury Mince

(Afrikaans onderaan)

Savoury Mince


800 g lean beef mince ( or half and half beef and ostrich mince)
1 Large onion chopped
2 cloves of garlic chopped
2 Tablespoons olive oil
3 level teaspoons of salt
2 level teaspoons of cumin
2 level teaspoons of allspice (pimento)
2 level teaspoons of cinnamon
2 - 3 Tablespoons of sugar (to taste)
1 tin (400g) of whole tomatoes
1 small tin (115g) of tomato paste 
100 ml tomato sauce
1 tin of mushroom pieces (drained)
1 tin of lentils in brine (drained)


Heat olive oil in a heavy-based saucepan and add chopped onions and garlic. Fry for 2 - 3 minutes until slightly softened (not brown)
Add salt, cumin, allspice and cinnamon and fry for ± 1 minute to release flavours. Add mince and stir thoroughly. Now add the tin of whole tomatoes, tomato paste, tomato sauce and sugar and cook for about 4 minutes stirring constantly. Mash the whole tomatoes. Use a metal masher to remove any lumps from the mince meat mixture. Simmer for 7 - 8 minutes stirring constantly.

Use as an extra dish at breakfast, as a filling for pancakes, on toast for lunch or as a delicious sauce for spaghetti Bolognese.


800gr Ekstra maer maalvleis (Meng gerus bees- en volstruismaalvleis)
1 Groot ui grof gekap
2 Knoffelhuisies fyngekap
2 Eetlepels olyfolie
3 gelykvol Teelepels sout
2 gelykvol teelepels komyn (Cumin) 
2 gelykvol Teelepels Allspice / Pimento
2 gelykvolTeelepels Kaneel
2 - 3 Eetlepels suiker (na smaak)
1 Blik (410gr) heel tamaties
1 Klein blikkie (115gr) tamatiepasta
100 ml Tamatiesous
1 Blikkie gesnipperde sampioenstukke gedreineer
1 Blikkie Lensies gedreineer


Verhit die olyfolie in ‘n swaarboomkastrol en voeg die uie en knoffel by. Braai vir 2 - 3 minute tot effens sag (nie bruin nie)
Voeg sout, komyn, allspice en kaneel by en braai vir ±1 minuut om geur los te laat
Voeg maalvleis by en roer goed deur. Voeg nou die blik heeltamaties, tamatiepasta, tamatiesous en suiker by en kook vir ongeveer 4 minute. Druk die tamaties stukkend terwyl dit gedurig geroer word. Verwyder klonte uit vleismengsel deur met ‘n aartappeldrukker fyn te druk. Prut vir 7 - 8 minute. Roer gereeld

Gebruik as bykos by ontbyt, vir gevulde pannekoek, op roosterbrood vir middagete, of as heerlike sous vir Spaghetti Bolognese ens.

Wednesday, 7 August 2013

A beautiful day in Cape Town

Today is a typical Cape Town winter's day. The sea is rough, the wind is howling and occasional showers pour down from a dark and overcast sky. Yet, it is still beautiful in Blouberg.

Makes me thankful that I am sheltered from the cold, cooking supper in a warm and welcome kitchen. I am cooking fresh veggies to go with basmai rice and sovoury mince. 

Don't peel the carrots. Rinse thoroughly and slice thinly. 
Steam veggies on a sieve over boiling water or in a colander placed inside a saucepan. 

Start with the hardest vegetables like carrots on top, then sliced red and green bell peppers, sliced baby marrows and topped with veggies that cook quickly like broccoli and cauliflower. Cover with the lid of the saucepan and steam for 5  - 7 minutes or until just tender. Flavour with spice and dried dill.

Monday, 5 August 2013

Meatballs in Cabbage Leaves: 

(Afrikaans onderaan)


This recipe comes from a book with the title: sout+peper (salt and pepper), by Niël Stemmet and is published by lapa

Meatballs in Cabbage Leaves:

Cook enough leaves (without the stump). 
250g pork mince
250g lamb mince
1 thick slice white bread
1/2 cup of milk
1 medium onion grated
1 large egg
1 T chopped parseley
1 t fine nutmeg
1 t salt
1/2 t white pepper
Cake Wheat Flour
2 T butter
2 T sunflower oil

Place meat in a mixing bowl. Soak the bread in the milk and add to the meat. Add the onions, egg, parseley, nutmeg, salt and pepper. Mix thoroughly. Cover the bowl and put in the fridge for one hour.

Oil your hands and roll meat into round meatballs. Roll in the cake flour and place on a plate. Heat butter and oil in a saucepan and fry the meatballs until golden brown. Now roll the meatballs in cabbage leaves - almost like a baby's nappy. Use a toothpick if necessary. Place tightly in an ovendish  and cover with aliminium foil. Bake at 160 degrees Celcius for 30 minutes. Remove foil and turn heat up to 180 or more and bake for a further 10 minutes until dark brown.

Koolfrikkadelle: Ouvrou onner die kebers

Kook genoeg blare (sonder stronk) in soutwater tot sag

250g varkmaalvleis - nie te grof nie
250g skaapmaalvleis, of kalf
1 groot dik sny witbrood
½ k melk
1 middelslag-ui, gerasper
1 groot eier
1 E gekapte pietersielie
1 t gerasperde neutmuskaat
1 t sout
½ t witpeper
2 E botter
2 E sonneblomolie

Sit die vleis in ‘n groot skottel. Week die brood in die melk, voeg by die vleis. Roer dan die uie, eier, pietersielie, neut, sout en peper by. Meng alles goed saam. Maak mengbak toe en plaas in die yskas vir 1 uur.

Olie jou hande en rol die vleis in ronde frikkadelle. Rol in die meel en pak op ‘n bord. Maak die olie en die botter saam goed warm in ‘n pan. Braai die frikkadelle vinnig goudbruin. Plaas eenkant. Rol die frikkadelle toe in die koolblare, amper soos jy ‘n baba se doek aansit. Gebruik ‘n tandestokkie as jy sukkel - Pak in 'n oondskottel, vas teenmekaar en sit foelie bo-oor. Plaas in die oond en bak teen 160 °C vir 30 minute, haal die foelie af. Verhoog die temperatuur na 180 °C of warmer vir die laaste 10 minute ten einde die kool bo-op te skroei.

Uit: sout+peper
Niël Stemmet

Uitgewers: lapa

Saturday, 3 August 2013

Daily Devotion:  Daaglikse Pitkos


And in the morning, rising up a great while before day, he went out, and departed into a solitary place, and there prayed

Jesus made time to find solace and quiet time to pray and seek His father’s face before starting out for the day. How much more do we need it in the day and time we live in? If Jesus needed time-out to replenish his body soul and spirit, how much more do we need it in our hectic lives? Take time today to meditate on the Word of God. Start with the Gospels and read it through slowly and quietly - drinking in the words and peace that flow from the words and acts of Jesus in his earthly ministry; then, with renewed spirit, tackle the week ahead with new energy and fervor. Have a blessed week!

Thursday, 1 August 2013

Daily Devotion: Daaglikse Pitkos
What is it like living in a city on the Southern most tip of Africa? 
For people living on another continent it may conjure up pictures of unspoiled bush and vast grasslands; herds of wild antelope migrating at an erratic and hurried pace, or elephants, hippos and lions lazing around waterholes under the blazing African sun. The romanticized picture straight from the novel by Baroness Karen Von Blixen-Finecke is what most people still want to believe life on the African continent to be like. If you consider the glorious sunsets and bright and beautiful year-round sunny days, this could almost be true. But for city dwellers like me, living in a suburb near Cape Town, life is pretty much the same as living in any other city anywhere in the world; rushing in peak hour traffic to and from work, hurrying to get supper done, preparing for work tomorrow and flopping into bed at 11h30pm just to get out of bed again tomorrow morning to face another day of urban life; hardly noticing the brightly coloured brushstrokes across the early morning sky.
I read a quotation today that really made me think. 
My meditation for today comes from the words of the Apostle Paul as written in Phillipians 4:11, 12, 13
11 Not that I am implying that I was in any personal want, for I have learned how to be content (satisfied to the point where I am not disturbed or disquieted) in whatever state I am. 12 I know how to be abased and live humbly in straitened circumstances, and I know also how to enjoy plenty and live in abundance. I have learned in any and all circumstances the secret of facing every situation, whether well-fed or going hungry, having a sufficiency and enough to spare or going without and being in want. 13 I have strength for all things in Christ Who empowers me.
Amplified Bible