Thursday, 27 June 2013


My own wonderful Lamb curry recipe for the cold winter nights: 

This is an aromatic, dark curry, ideal for winter. I've used a pressure cooker, but I have adapted the recipe if you don't have one. Afrikaans onderaan

Lorrein's Lamb Curry

Ingredients: (T = Tablespoon, t = teaspoon)

2 T olive oil
5 Big lamb chops or 800gr stewing lamb
2 medium onions chopped
3 large potatoes peeled and cubed
2 carrots sliced (don't scrape)
1 Large red sweet pepper cut in slices

Spice mixture

2 t cumin (level teaspoons)
2 t Pimento /All spice (level teaspoons)
2 t Cinnamon (level teaspoons)
2 t Ina Paarman Masala

Curry Mixture

2 T medium curry powder
1 T curry paste - optional
2 T tamato paste
2 t turmeric
2 T caramel brown sugar
1 T lemon juice
1 liter beef stock (use Ina Paarman cube)
Salt and pepper to tase


In a pressure cooker, fry onion and sweet pepper in olive oil until soft, not brown. Add the spice mixture and fry for a minute to release flavour. Add lamb chops and fry for another 2 minutes. Now add the curry mixture and mix thoroughly. Add the liter of beef stock, stir well and close the pressure cooker and leave the plate on high. As soon as it starts to let out steam, measure 12 - 15 minutes (12 minutes for chops, 15 - 16 minutes for stewing lamb). After 12 - 15 minutes, switch off the plate and leave the pressure cooker on the plate to cool off completely before opening. Remove the lid and add potatoes and carrots, add boiling water only if necessary, stir through, close again and heat on high until the pressure cooker reaches maximum (starts to steam). Measure 3 minutes. After 3 minutes switch off the plate and leave the pressure cooker on the stove plate to cool off completely before opening. 
Open the pressure cooker, stir thoroughly, add salt and pepper to taste and if necessary, thicken with 1t of maizena dissoved in 75ml of water. For traditional cooking, follow the recipe as above, but bake curry in an ovenproof dish at 180 C for about an hour and a half.
Enjoy with banana sambal and basmati rice.

Basmati rice

1 1/2 cups of Basmati rice
5 cups of boiling water
2 t salt

Mix together in a big microwave- proof dish. Microwave on high for 14 minutes, strain and rinse through with 1/2 cup of cold water in a plastic strainer. Place strainer in microwave and steam for 3 minutes on high. Perfect every time.

Lorrein se Lamskerrie

Hierdie is 'n baie aromatiese, heerlike donker kerrie - ideaal vir die winter. Ek het die resep vir 'n drukkoker geskryf, maar as alternatief kan dit stadig in 'n oond gaargemaak word soos onder aangedui.

Jy benodig:

2 Eetlepels olyfolie
5 groot lamstjops of 800gr stowe lamsvleis
2 medium uie gekap
3 groot aartappels geskil en in blokkies gesny
2 wortels in ringetjies gesny (moenie krap nie)
1 Groot rooi soetrissie in repe gesny

2 gelykvol teelepels komyn (cumin)
2 gelykvol teelepels pimento (all-spice)
2 gelykvol teelepels kaneel (cinnamon)
2 teelepels Ina Paarman masala

2 E kerriepoeier (matig/medium)
1 E curry paste (koop in 'n bottel) opsioneel
2 E tamatie paste
2 teelepels turmeric (borrie)
2 E bruinsuiker (karamel suiker)
1 E suurlemoensap
1 liter beesvleisaftreksel (Gebruik Ina Paarman of 1 blokkie opgelos in 1 liter kookwater)
Sout en peper na smaak

In ‘n stoompot, braai die uie en rooi soetrissie in die olyfolie tot net sag nie bruin nie. Voeg die spesery-mengsel by en braai vir so ‘n minuut om geure te meng. Voeg die lamstjops by en braai nog vir so 2 minute. Voeg nou die kerrie-mensel by en roer goed deur. Voeg die liter beesaftreksel by en maak die stoompot toe en los die plaat op hoog. Sodra dit begin stoom, meet 12 - 15 minute. Na 15 minute, skakel die plaat af en laat die pot heeltemal afkoel op die plaat en verwyder die deksel. Voeg by die aartappels en wortelringe, sit die deksel op die pot en verhit op hoog. Sodra die pot stoom, meet drie minute en laat die pot op die plaat afkoel. 

Verwyder die deksel, roer goed deur. Geur met ekstra sout en peper en verdik met 1 Eetlepel meelblom opgelos in ¼ koppie water indien verkies. 

Sit voor met basmati rys en piesang-, tamatie- en uie-sambaal.

In plaas van ‘n stoompot kan jy die mengsel na jy alles gebraai het in ‘n groot oondbak sit in bak by 180 grade C vir ongeveer 1 ½ uur.

Basmati rys:

1 ½ koppies rys
2 teelepels sout
5 koppies kookwater

Mikrogolf op hoog vir 14 minute, verwyder en giet in ‘n plastiekvergiettes. Spoel ½ koppie kouewater deur die rys en plaas terug in die mikrogolfoond vir 3 minute op hoog om ekstra water uit te stoom